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fase bulan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "fase bulan"
  • I think this freak is in phase with the moon.
    Kurasa pelaku ini mengikuti fase bulan.
  • The month spans 29 or 30 days.
    Jadi fase bulan lengkap bisa 28 atau 29 hari.
  • His behavior is driven by the phases of the moon.
    Tindakannya dipicu oleh fase bulan.
  • The killer is driven by the phases of the moon.
    Pembunuh dipengaruhi oleh fase bulan.
  • They can even be affected by lunar phases, all right?
    Bahkan dipengaruhi oleh fase bulan, oke ?
  • As if I did not understand the phases of the Moon.
    Seolah aku tak memahami fase Bulan.
  • This freak is in phase with the moon.
    Peri Gigi membunuh korbannya mengikuti fase bulan.
  • Yeah, we're literally in the honeymoon phase.
    Ya, kami dalam fase bulan madu.
  • Well, Declan was killing on a lunar cycle.
    Declan membunuh berdasar fase bulan.
  • Bode was killing on a lunar cycle.
    Bode membunuh berdasar fase bulan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5